Operating Licenses and Construction Completion

Service Description

​This procedure is concerned with ensuring the facility's suitability to issue a building completion and occupancy certificate​

Start the Service

Service Duration

6 working days

Terms & Conditions

  • ​​​ The certificate is issued for modern establishments organization for one time only
  •  The duration of the certificate is only one year
  •  The installation of fire fighting systems, the existence of a maintenance contract, and the completion of all construction work are required in accordance with the approved plans for issuing the certificate
  •  This license means permission to operate the facility, and that the licensee is the real operator according to his legal entity, licenses and records, and the owner of the facility has no right to assign the operation and the license or any part of it to others
  •  The licensee shall abide by all the rules, regulations, conditions and instructions issued by "MODON". References to the applicable laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be made in respect of which there is no regulation in their regard with "MODON"


 Last modified 09 Dec 2020
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