Modon GIS

Service Description

MODON has implemented the GIS service to offer investors access to a full range of information on the industrial cities. It contains maps, cadastral details and other pertinent information.
Using the service, investors can easily visit any industrial city, learn about the types of industries it hosts, and find out about existing factories, facilities, logistics, and more.

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Service Features

    • ​  Understanding the geography of the city: The location of a city and its proximity to supply lines and other services is of great interest to investors. Through MODON GIS, users can learn more about each city’s location, the nearest urban areas, and other geographical information. 
    •  Find factories: Search for a factory, determine its exact location and coordinates, identify its condition, and learn about its industrial activities.
    •  Identify the main features of the city: Important landmarks in the industrial cities such as mosques, schools, ambulance and civil defense stations, and more can be found on the map.
    •  Identify investments: Learn about the nature of investments in the industrial cities and whether these are industrial, commercial, residential or service-based investment locations.
    •  Measurement tools: Calculate lengths, distances and areas in industrial cities, as well as determine coordinates directly on the map through clear and easy-to-use measuring tools.
    •  Satellite images: View satellite images that show the natural terrain of the industrial city and its current level of development.​​


 Last modified 10 Sep 2024
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